The Gaia-X Hub France

Gaia-X AISBL and the National Hubs

Gaia-X is a European initiative driven by a non-profit association based in Brussels: Gaia-X AISBL.

The National Hubs, located in most European countries and sometimes in countries outside the continent, serve as local contact points for all interested parties and stakeholders in Gaia-X.

The role of the Hubs is to inform and facilitate the creation of European data spaces.

Hub France: our missions

The Gaia-X Hub France serves as the representative and contact point for Gaia-X in France.

The objectives of the Gaia-X Hub France are as follows:

  • Bring together stakeholders of the Gaia-X initiative, whether they are members or not.
  • Promote and organize activities related to Gaia-X in France.
  • Structure meetings and exchanges among professionals and stakeholders involved in data spaces compliant with Gaia-X.
  • Accelerate co-innovation of services and use cases, and incubate data spaces that will foster the development of service offerings under Gaia-X.
  • Ensure dialogue with Gaia-X, other national hubs, and the French administration.
  • Produce and disseminate training materials.

Who are we?

The Gaia-X France Hub is coordinated by the Institut Mines-Télécom, with the support of Cigref.


Anne-Sophie Taillandier

TeraLab, Director

Marine de Sury

Cigref, Mission Director

In 2020, the Gaia-X France Hub was initially coordinated by Cigref, an association representing major French companies and public administrations, which fosters collective thinking on digital issues. During this initial phase, the Hub France identified data exchange needs and specifications aimed at creating value around data spaces.

As of 2024, the Hub France is entering a new phase focused on implementation and deployment. In response to evolving needs, the Hub requires different technological platforms and financial support. Following consultations, the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty entrusted the coordination of the Hub France to Institut Mines-Télécom. They utilize tools like DataSpaceLab to deploy projects and develop data spaces.