New Position Paper from Gaia-X Hub France

On the eve of VivaTech, discover the new Position Paper from Gaia-X Hub France: “Value of Gaia-X in the Development of the European Economy Using Generative AI Solutions”
Join us at VivaTech 2024

Join the Gaia-X Hub France team at the French German TechLab stand (D11/D15) at Viva Technology, Europe’s largest Tech and Innovation fair.
Bpifrance launches a Call for Projects “Data Spaces”

The “Data Spaces” Call for Projects is now available on the Bpifrance website. It is part of the France 2030 cloud strategy and is coordinated by the Directorate General for Enterprises.
The 2024 Plenary Session of the Gaia-X France Hub on Replay

Find the INTERVIEWS and REPLAYS of the Gaia-X France Hub Plenary Session held on March 8, 2024, at the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, with over 220 participants.
4th Plenary Session of the Gaia-X France Hub

On March 18, 2022, the Gaia-X France Hub held its fourth plenary session online.
3rd Plenary Session of the Gaia-X France Hub

On Thursday, September 23, 2021, the Gaia-X France Hub held its third plenary session online.
2nd Plenary Session for the French Gaia-X Hub: Towards the Creation of Data Spaces at the European Level

On Friday, May 7, 2021, the French Gaia-X Hub, supported by Cigref, the Academy of Technologies, and the Systematic Paris-Region Competitiveness Cluster, held its second plenary session online.
First Plenary Session of the Gaia-X Hub France

On Friday, January 22, 2021, the French GAIA-X Hub, supported by Cigref, the Academy of Technologies, the Systematic Competitiveness Cluster, the Directorate General for Enterprises, and the GAIA-X Association, organized its first online plenary session. Bringing together about twenty speakers and nearly 1,000 participants in the morning, the plenary aimed to raise awareness of GAIA-X’s contributions to organizations, increase the involvement of French companies, clarify the missions and ambitions of the French GAIA-X Hub, outline its schedule, and report on the work already undertaken within the Hub.
Gaia-X Hub France’s Positions Papers

Here you can find the documents produced by the Working Groups of the Gaia-X France Hub, for each of their sectors.